Thursday, October 30, 2014

BOO-Fest Our First Trick or Treating of 2014

 Happy Halloween!

One thing we enjoy more anything for Halloween in the downtown Main Street Tick or Treating in a near by town.

It's usually a week before Halloween and starts at 5pm till about 5:45. The whole things ends in a local park with a costume contest. They close off Main Street and the kids get to walk from shop to shop trick or treating.

We actually like this better than Halloween night. It's still light out. The street isn't too long and it's just fun to wear our costumes out with everyone else.

Obi got to be Captain Hook and Rosie decided to be a purple fairy.

Mom was a wizard. I was Mother Earth, and William was Peter Pan, so her could sword fight with Captain hook.

Our little Captain Hook fell asleep on the way so he was carried by Peter Pan for a while. Luckily we went a bit early so we could do some shopping before the shops closed. So Obi didn't miss anything.

 Our Halloween Family Picture!

 One of the local churches on the street had these decoration in their front yard. We thought they were really fun so we stopped to take pictures of them.
They are made out of round hay bails.
 Rosie didn't want to stand in front of the Frankenstein one, she said it was too scary.
Obi is making his pirate face.
 Peter Pan and Captain Hook
 Since we got there so early we even had time to stop for a lovely snack and treat at the coffee shop. Rosie loves going to the coffee shop and getting her "pink coffee."
 Trick or Treating on Main St.
 In the park the trees were so lovely.
 We didn't want to participate in the costume contest but we did want to watch everyone march in costume parade.
 We sat in the park under the trees and looked at everyone's costumes...
 admired the trees...
 ate candy...
 made pirate faces...
and had a sword fight.

Afterwards we went to Walgreens and bought some Gluten Free Candy to switch out most of the candy the kids had received and then headed home.

 It was a fun evening and even more fun that we get to do it a whole week before Halloween. 
Rosie is calling this Halloween Week. So I imagine we'll be in costumes and doing fun Halloweeny things all week.
We do love our Holidays.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Boy or Girl?

Last weekend we did a lot of things to get ready for Baby.

I made these two bows for the mail box.

In our area people sometimes announce the birth of a new baby with a blue or pink bow on their mail box.  

Which bow do you think we'll be putting out?

Monday, October 27, 2014

Our Little Captain Hook

If there's one thing I'm proud of doing with my kids it's giving them a love of Holidays.
Holidays, big and small, are wonderfully fun (and one of my favorite things about being Catholic, we get a lot of extra ones!).

 So I don't really know why it surprised me when Obi announced one day, about two months ago
 "I wove Hawwooweeeen"

Since then he's insisted that he wanted to be Captain Hook.

I waited a while to see if he would change his mind. He didn't. He was very insistent that he wanted to be Captain Hook.

The day his costume came in the mail he was a very happy pirate indeed.
Here he is saying "AARRRRR" like a good little pirate.
He was so proud of every piece of the costume and made me put it on him right away.
 But the best part is, he loves wearing the thing all the time and at very random times.
One day William had to send the day working under the house and put a bandanna on his head. Obi decided Daddy was a pirate and ran into the house asking me for his Captain Hook costume.
 He wore it all day long.

We like to get good use out of our costumes.

 Here he is helping Daddy. Apparently this is how Daddy Pirates dress.

Rosie is still debating about her costume. I'll post pictures of her once she decides what she wants to be.

They have both been planning their costumes since July or August. And we have had our play room decorated for Halloween since Labor Day.

I hope you are having a wonderfully festive season, however you choose to celebrate it. 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Happy Birthday Rosie -- The Big 5! (Photo Dump)

Can you believe this little thing grew up to be our big girl Rosie?! 

This past weekend our dear sweet Rosie turned 5 years old.
 I asked her what she wanted to do for her birthday and she said she wanted to play games, but she DID NOT want to play pin the tail on the donkey or fly kites.

So we talked about what kind of games she wanted to play and came up with some fun carnival type games.

The day before her birthday she and Obi painted some of the props for the games.
Rosie painted the bean bag toss game all by herself. She did a really great job.
On the morning of her birthday she woke up early and announced "It's my birthday!!"

We had pink oatmeal for breakfast and pumpkin spice cupcakes (because you can't start a birthday with out some kind of cake).

We also had balloons, and there might have been an excessive amount of gifts.

After breakfast we opened presents!
Rosie got a lot of dinosaur things, which she LOVES.
Then Rosie gave a present to Obi.
He was having a rough time not having anything to open, even though Rosie was really wonderful about letting him help her.

He felt better after he go this own gift too.
He go a stuffed tack-hoe ("just like daddy's") and the book Night Night Construction Site.
Rosie got a sand art kit and was really excited about making some sand art. She was also super generous about giving half the kit to Obi.
Such a sweet girl.
Nana gave Rosie a life size Lumiere (from Beauty and the Beast) that lights up.
He's our new favorite night light now.
He also comes to tea parties.
The Dinosaur pop up book was a huge hit. She looked at every page before wanting to unwrap another gift.

Something she'd been wanting for a long time was this mermaid magnate doll.
She opened that one up right away and played with it for a while before moving on to another present.
Sometime last year William bought one of those indoor/outdoor tents with a tunnel. 
We never got it out because we were always saving it for a special occasion or need.
Rosie happened to see it in the closet last week and asked about it.
So I thought this would be a fun time to get it out. 
It's getting colder and the kids have been sick, so they can't go outside if it's too chilly.
So I got out the tent. 
Obi was so excited about it he carried it from the living room to the kitchen after all the gifts were open.
He wanted to play with it.
He also wanted to play with the puppy. 
They are special buddies.
William got the kids a volcano experiament kit. 
That was fun.

For lunch we had pink egg salad sandwiches. 
Rosie's "favorite sandwich ever" and we ate outside.

Rosie's little friend called her to wish her a Happy Birthday.
Their little conversation was so sweet.
Then it was time to play games!!
We started with the bean bag toss.

Everyone played. Even the grown ups.
Nana was really good at it and didn't miss a single one.
Then we had the fishing for prizes fish pond.
Rosie got a couple of cute prizes, including this baby bottle for her doll.
Obi thought it was great fun too and kept pulling the string back too soon.

Then it was pumpkin bowling for ghosts.
Rosie had been looking forward to this game all week.

We had so much fun playing this one. It was so funny. Obi ended up just rolling the pumpkin by hand into the toilet paper rolls and knocking them over with it.

Rosie got really good at throwing the pumpkin hard and fast into the rolls.

There were prizes for the kids after every game. 
The kids got books for the bowling game.
Then it was time for the rest of us to play.
It was actually quite fun throwing a pumpkin.
I very much recommend this game.
Then we had races. 
Abby (the puppy) raced too and even got some nice doggie bone prizes.
Obadiah's last prize was his very own baby doll.
He was very very happy about it.
And he even got a little baby bottle for her.

Obi hasn't put the doll down since. 
He insists it's a baby girl and her name is Dolly.
Rosie was very happy about her baby bottle and Princess Ariel.
She's carried both of them around with her all week and even took them to church with her.
Then we played in the play house. 
Here Obi is changing the baby's diaper.
The kids wanted Daddy to come in the play house with them but he was too big. So he sits right outside the window.
Even though the prizes were all gone, the kids had a lot of fun playing the games again.
We got out the plastic fish and played the fishing game for a long time.

For dinner Rosie wanted spaghetti.
And cake of course. 
She'd told me months ago that she wanted a flower cake with pink petals and a yellow center.

Such a big girl now.

It was a really fun day, even tough Mommy get's really tired lately. Rosie said it was her best birthday ever.
The kids played outside most of the day and when it got too chilly they played in their new little tent in the living room.

So our little teeny tiny baby is a lovely tall girl of 5 now.
I really don't know where or how that happened.
Looking back on old blog posts this week I've really enjoyed seeing her little face change from the round cheeked baby face to the lovely little girl of 5 who loves science and all things pink. 
She really is amazing.
Happy Birthday my little Rosie.
You'll always be my baby.