Thursday, July 9, 2009

Foreign Babies in Shaghai... a story.

So I read EVERYTHING about babies these days. I'm a nerd. I can't help it.

But when I get tired for doing research on labor and delivery I like to cruise random blogs. I'm a blog reader.

Anyway, I came across this blog by a girl who lives in Shanghai. She got pregnant here but delivered in her home country and then returned to our lovely city.

Now, Foreign babies are VERY popular here! They have "Big eyes" and aren't given sugar formula from day one so they aren't over weight. They look different from Chinese babies and that brings alot of attention.

Upon returning to Shanghai this girl went for a walk with her baby in her sling (on of those things that keeps the baby close to your chest) and, according to this lady's blog, a Chinese woman came running at her from half a block a way shouting "shao bao bao shao bao bao" or " little baby little baby"
The Chinese women ran right up to the girl with her hands out and tried to grab the baby at which point the mother grabbed the woman's hand and pushed it away. This offended to Chinese woman to tried again to grab/touch the baby sleeping against her mother's chest. At which point the mother tried to punch the Chinese lady (the mother is Latino) and ran away with the Chinese lady shouting insults at her.

I just thought you might like that little story of life here in shanghai. :-)

You can read the original story for your self here if you don't believe me


  1. So what I'd like to know is- what sort of recourse do you have planned when that happens to you? I'm pretty sure you aren't going to take a swing - do you carry pepper spray?

  2. I have a friend who has agreed to teach me how to cuss people out in Shanghai-nese :o)
    I figure I'll start with that hehe
