I saw this sign yesterday ...
What exactly do they want us to keep clean? Any Guesses?
While you're thinking about THAT... Here are some other signs we have seen in our adventures in China.
(William took most of these pictures)
This one is actually my favorite. I found it in Hong Kong.
This is William's Favorite. I'm glad they are so clear! Not vague at all!
I have no idea what Neighboring the world is... but be on the look out for it.
Hey. We went to the Gerest Wall. It was great. :o)
This is an advertisement for a gym.
During the Olympics they had these "Yea China! Let's all be Civilized" banners every where(ie. behave your selves while the foreigners are looking) I thought this one was particularly funny.
This is a restaurant.
And the number one! My ULTIMATE favorite of all time is THIS one...
It's on a list of services provided by a massage spa... I'm STILL wondering what it mean they do to you and I'm to scared to go and find out.
oh my goodness michelle, THOSE ARE SOOOO FUNNY!!! is there any chance you'd let me take download those photos off your blog and put them on my blog?!?! :) I shall give you all the credit of course!!