Graduating High School is always exciting but also a little sad and scary. It's a lot of work to get through those four torturous years and that's exciting when it's finally done. But it also means leaving friends behind and growing up... a little.
There's a great big exciting world out there waiting for these kids and it's always exciting to hear about the plans and dreams people have after High School.
Last week we attended a graduation at the local High School. We have a cousin, Hanna, who was graduation and we wanted to be there to cheer her on. She was Salutatorian of her class!
This was the best graduation I have ever been too. It was well organized and short! And best of all it was totally about the kids and their accomplishments. We didn't have to suffer through some teacher or preacher giving a long boring talk that no one cared about.
Hanna gave a heartfelt speech that left everyone teary eyed. She did such a great job reminding us of the excitement of the future and the sadness of growing up and leaving things behind. There wasn't a dry eye in the place.
At the end of the ceremony all the graduates did a victory lap around the gym and then made a circle, did a cheer and tossed their hats in the air. It was GREAT fun!
(William took these pictures with his iPhone)
The Gym was so full I think that every one in town came for this graduation!
Hanna looked beautiful and of course she gradated with lots of honors and a four year scholarship to the college of her dreams. We couldn't be prouder of her.
On our way out of the graduation we found this car in the parking lot. I thought it was funny. It reminded me of people in Shanghai that would paint their cars in Transformers or Hello Kitty themes, except this car is owned by a high school student instead of an adult.
To celebrate such a wonderful gradation and official beginning of Summer we stopped at Dairy Queen on the way home and baby girl had her first ice cream.
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