Monday, January 31, 2011

Baby Steps 20/365

On Saturday night after spending all day outside Baby Girl did something amazing after bath.  She walked across the room all by her self. completely unassisted!

Our baby is a walker now. I guess I finally have to admit she's a toddler.
Here's a picture of her on Sunday morning walking to William. She's very proud of her new skill.

To celebrate Bonita's first day of walking we took her to Target after church and let you pick out first pair of shoes. Baby's first shoe shopping!

Bonita Rose has always had an aversion to shoes. We've been able to get her to wear Ugg type slippers but only if we tell her she can go outside. She wears them to keep her feet warm but as soon as she's in the house she wants them off.

I think it's the feeling of her feet being confined that she doesn't  like. She tends to use her toes and feet as extensions of her hands. feeling and touching things with them before she picks things up. For that reason, I wanted to get her something flexible but that would still protect her feet when walking around out side.

We ended up with these adorable shoes that are basically socks with heavy duty rubber grips on the bottom. They are flexible and keep her feet from getting wet and they help her not slip when she's walking. They are called SkidDERS.

But the best part? Bonita Rose loves them!

She will even wear them in the house. She's so proud to have her own shoes.

Here's a couple pictures of her doing the sign for shoes.

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