Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Nana

We call my mom Nana. Yep. Just like the dog from Peter Pan.

Nana is very special to us. She's protective and funny and super smart. She's always there for us when we need her. Just like Nana from Peter Pan.
But OUR Nana is even more to us than that. I would not be the person I am today without her and Bonnie Rose would not have had the delivery and easy transition into the outside world without OUR Nana.

Bonita Rose is named after my mother just like I am. The other day someone asked me why I go by Michelle (one of my middle names) instead of by Bonita (my real first name).
The truth is. I've often thought about switching to Bonita but when I look at my mom I never felt like I could live up to the name.

She's my hero and my roll model.
She's my best friend.
When I grow up I want to be just like her. Now more than ever.
I love you Mama.

Well today is Nana's Birthday. We wanted to send something really special to her for her birthday...

Happy Birthday Nana!!


  1. I must agree. Your Mama is quite a Gal!

  2. AWWWE! That was wonderful. Thank you!!
    I just want to know what the Post Office is going to charge for shipping that package. You need to make SURE to label it "HANDLE WITH CARE."
