Thursday, February 28, 2013

Oscars Party 2013

Happy Oscars Every one! Every year on the last Sunday of February Hollywood, and anyone else who cares, celebrates the art of cinematography and movie making. 
And every year I have an Oscars viewing party. Which is really a great excuse to get dressed up, eat great food, and hang out with wonderful friends.
Candy coated popcorn with dark chocolate drizzle and eatable gold stars confetti

The Red Carpet 

It wouldn't be the Oscars without a little fashion. And who doesn't feel special when walking down a red carpet and being greeted by paparazzi?

Father Michael and Rosie looking ever so stylish

The Bussles!
Rosie and her Sunday School teacher, Miss Britney

The Bussles with Oscar and Oscar
Miss Mary, one of our nominees for best dressed

Aunt Mae looking Fabulous
An awkward me
The 3 prettiest girls at the party
James and Alyssa looking darling together
James (Bond) and Evan
The Menu

The main event at any party is always to food and the same goes for our Oscars party. I think it's really fun to try to come up with a dish for each of the films nominated for Best Picture. Either something that was mentioned or eaten in the film, or something that represents the idea or culture of the film.
This year the Ginter Family went above and beyond in finding dishes for every movie.
This year's menu was fantastic! We had:
Beef Bourginon - Amour
Pain Français  - Les Misérables
Boca Negra Chocolate Cakes - Silver Linings Playbook
Fresh Guacamole with tortilla rounds - Fresh Guacamole short film
Fried apples - Lincoln
Maple Sugar Pie - Argo (Thank you Canada)
Potato Au Gratin - Django
Chocolate cupcakes with cherry on top - zero dark 30
Ladoo - Life of Pi
Kababs - Argo
Hush puppies, Fried Chicken and 'Slaw - Beasts of the Southern Wild
The Boca Negra Chocolate Cake, also called a "fire and ice" cake won our Oscar for Best dish. (It was mentioned in the movie Silver Linings Playbook) They were spicy and Fudgie and freaking wonderful!
Ladoo is my favorite Indian Sweet. William drove all over Nashville trying to find some for me and they were wonderful. We have those for Life of Pi.

The Show and the Fun

Sitting around watching the show, predicting the results, enjoying the food and occasionally laughing at the host's jokes.

Eddie, in the blue shirt, was very carefully keeping track of his perdition score. He won our Oscar for Best Predictor.

Gregory came dressed up as Mario!
I think what really made the party was the kids and how much fun they seemed to have. Rosie loved showing off her play room and every one did a really wonderful job playing together and sharing.

I'm not sure who was more happy and content here, Obi or Aunt Mae.
Obi sure was happy with all the love and attention her got from every one. He made friends with Jessica.

Andrew and Alyssa both looking beautiful
Evan looking very cool
"And the Oscar goes to..."

We all voted for Best Dress Actor, Best Dressed Actress and Best Movie Dish
Katie won our Oscar Best Dressed Actress. She did look fabulous. 
Andrew won our Oscar for Best Dress Actor  and Alyssa won Best Food for her Boca Negra Chocolate Cakes.

The After Party

The show went really long, which I don't mind at all because I got to hang out with my wonderful friends and because it's only once a year. I just wish it would start a little earlier in the evening. Anyway,  it was a long long show and everyone was very tired. But it was so fun to hang out with everyone and it was so fun to see the kids running around playing together. 

We managed to kill a while bowl of Sherbet Punch in the course of the evening (which I really really glad about since I was sure I'd made too much) and while the wonderful Ginters cleaned up all the food before they left I left everything else out to be dealt with another day....
Both Rosie and Obi were so exhausted from all the running around that they both fell sleep on me on the couch.  If you knew how crazy good Rosie is at keeping her self awake you'd know how rare and amazing it is that she just feel asleep on me.

All in all it was a wonderful night and I'm already looking forward to next year's party. But first I need to finish cleaning up from this one.

I'd like to thank all my wonderful friends for coming and dressing up with me. The Ginters for all the amazing food you made... and then cleaned up. My wonderful Husband for cleaning and decorating the night before her had to leave for a work trip. And of course, I'd like the thank the Academy for making it all possible.