Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Irish Picnic 2012

It's that time of year again! Time for the 158th Annual St. Patrick's Irish Picnic.
We didn't get to spend as much time at the picnic this year as we did last year. But we still had fun.
Rosie's favorites this year were all the same as last year.
 She got her face painted...
AND flowers this year.
(Getting your face painted is a very serious matter apparently)
And after winning something at all the kid booths she went back and spent a long time just playing at the duck pond again. That was her favorite last year too.
The Irish Picnic is always a high light of the year and this year was extra special for us. 
It was so much more fun attending now that we know people in the community. 
We also got to eat Italian Ice and list to Cousin Joe's band, The Dotson Brown Band, and this year Rosie really liked doing the line dancing with every one. 

Hopefully next year we have time to go to both nights and volunteer at one of the booths.
I'm already planning on making a few cakes and a gallon of coleslaw for next year.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Biscuits and Gravy!!

This is Joe. He used to be a chef. Then he was a geek for hire. Now he's a seminary student.
So what do you do as a seminarian on your Summer assignment? 
Cook breakfast for people of course!

Thanks Joe for the first Biscuits and Gravy I've had in probably about 10 years. Gravy (or biscuits for that matter) is not usually Gluten Free. But between William making wonder biscuits and Joe's famous, wonderfully unhealthy, sausage gravy...
breakfast was wonderful.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Rosie's Little Friends

Rosie loves going to church.  She gets to help pick out her own dress the night before, and sometimes even Mommy's and Obi's clothes too.  She gets to go in the car and look at the trees. She gets to see Father Michael, whom she loves very much despite her morning anti-socialness, and she likes sitting in church and reading her Bible and playing with her church toys. Rosie is very good at church.
But Rosie's favorite part about going to church is getting to play afterwards and getting to see Gregory.
Rosie and Gregory are just a couple of months apart in age.  Gregory's mom is my dear friend so Rosie and Gregory get to hang out alot.  It's really fun to see them play together and teach each other things. And it's sweet how they care about each other and are concerned when each other get hurt or sad.
Once, while visiting him at his house, Gregory was so hungry he bit his own finger while eating his lunch. He must have bit it really hard because he cried and cried and had the saddest largest tears you've ever seen. If it wasn't for those tears, I have to be honest, it was kind of funny. (Sorry Gregory) But it upset Rosie so much that she insisted someone needed to get him a tissue and she STILL brings it up some times at random. She'll be playing or eating and she'll stop and say "Gregory bit his finger and it hurt and he cried." and then she'll make the cutest little "aaww" sound.
It's so much fun to watch Rosie grow into the sweet little person that she is. She cares so much about other people and she doesn't like them to be sad. Sometimes when she's crying she'll sob "I'm crying like Gregory!" and then I'm not sure if she's more sad about the fact that Gregory cries or about the thing that originally made her sad.
When Obadiah cries Rosie will drop what ever it is she's doing and run through the house saying "it's ok baby. I'm here. I'm here." and she'll try to comfort him. If that doesn't work she'll say "he needs his boobie!" She's such a considerate little angel.

Last Sunday Rosie and Gregory showed up in matching outfits, quite by accident. So I bribed them with a peanut butter chocolate bar to stand still long enough for me to snap a couple of pictures.

Don't worry. It was a sugar free bar.  Gregory and Rosie are little angels, but they are also a handful of two year old whirl wind.  But where ever they are, they are always making people around them smile.

Monday, July 16, 2012

5 months of Valintines day

On Valentine's Day William took me out to breakfast. It's been a special tradition for us to go out to breakfast ever since our first Valentine's day together. This year... 2012, we went to Crackle Barrel because I had never been and I heard they had great baked apples, which they do by the way, and then we went to the store and William bought me flowers and he bought Rosie a Valentine's Day balloon. We got the biggest one in the store. It was one of those silvery shiny ones.

The flowers are long gone now, but that balloon has floated in our living room for the past five months.

 Today the balloon finally started to sink. It's been touching the ceiling for five months but now it's hovering on the floor. Which is actually a bit more fun for Rosie because now she can play with it more.

 We decided that this is the most amazing balloon ever we should take some pictures with it before it's completely dead. Really I think five month has got to be a record or something.

Meanwhile, Daddy went on a trip last week and Obadiah wanted to help pack... or he wanted to go with Daddy, I'm not quite sure which one.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Clean up Days

Rosie has always been a throw up baby. She's always been very good at throwing up.
Lots of things make her throw up. A runny nose, taking too big of a bite of food, melted cheese that gets stuck in her throat, and crying. These are just a few of the many things that make her throw up. She has a very good gag reflex.

Andy is a very needy dog. He has a hard time hearing and that makes him nervous. So he's always under food. It also makes him nervous when the babies cry. He gets under foot then too.

So what do you get when you mix a good throw upper and a dog that's always under foot?
Well a dog with throw up on him of course.

So Andy and Rosie both needed to be cleaned up. 

Meanwhile, Obadiah helped with the laundry.

And I finally finished a project I've been meaning to finish for a year. Now all of Rosie's bows are well organized and we know exactly what we have... and what we need more of. (have no yellow bows.)
 When Rosie saw her new bow holder she said "Obi needs to get bigger so Mommy can put things in his hair too."
I love that girl. A kid after my own heart. hehe.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

tasty toes

On the 5th of July Obi found his toes.  He loves playing with them and they make him giggle.

The next day he learned how to roll over onto his tummy all by himself.  My baby is growing up way too fast. 

 He's 4 months old and weighed in at 16 pounds on Monday, July 9th.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Oscars Party 2012

Last week I was talking to a friend of mine about our Oscar Party and realized that I never posted it here. So I guess I'll do that now...

Our Oscar Party was on February 25th, about two weeks before Obadiah was born.

We had a red carpet and William was the popularize while I interviewed everyone (with my whisk as a microphone) before they were allowed to come in the house.

Here's Erin looking very fashionable.

Katie look quite elegant and Rosie loved that her dress sparkled.

Evan was quite dapper in his hat.

Rosie was a perfect little hostess

Alyssa looked quite lovely.  She always have the greatest smile.

And here is Gregory and his Daddy, James.

Father Micheal though we were crazy... but then, that's nothing new really.  He said he was wearing Gucci and that he expected "Gone with the Wind" to win best picture.
He doesn't get out much.

Rosie very much enjoyed having her friends over and especially enjoyed showing Gregory how to hide behind the bar stools.

Even Aunty Mae came and laughed at us. Doesn't she look good on our Red Carpet? 

We had alot of fun decorating this year.
We went with the same color scheme as last year's party, but it was more fun knowing that we actually had guests coming.

We tried to have food that went with each movie again this year. That's always a fun challenge. We had fried chicken and chocolate pie for "The Help" and our old family favorite "baseball salad" (so named for my brother's little league days) for "Money Ball."

William invented this amazing appetizer for "The Artist" (because it kind of looks black and white).  He whipped cream cheese with horseradish sauce, stirred in chopped black olives and spread it on thinly sliced roast beef. 

I was kind of proud of myself for this one... broccoli for "The Tree of Life."

I didn't get pictures of all the food, but we had Mom's famous rolled cake and creme brulee and of course pop corn.

My mom was very popular with the little ones, especially since she kept sharing her cake with them.
All in all we had a wonderful time. We watched the Oscars and voted on what we thought would win. We also played Oscar Bingo, but mostly we ate and laughed together. 

When I lived in Southern California most people I knew at least watched the Oscars and lots of people had Oscar Parties. It's LA so the movies are a bigger deal there.  In this part of the country football is the big thing. So it was great fun that my friends would humor me in coming to my Oscars party.

I'm already looking forward to next year's Oscar's Party.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Our Little Helper

 Rosie is very serious about her cupcake making.
And she's so good at it! I can't believe how big she's gotten. She's such a big girl now and likes to help in ALL the house hold chores. She out side feeding the goats right now. And she likes to help put the dishes away and she's so much fun to fold the laundry with.
I can't believe my little baby girl has gotten to be so big.